Friday, February 1, 2013

Capital City Edibles Part I

One  of the great things about moving to a new city is trying the local cuisine. Washington DC is a cultural melting pot so naturally there's a lot of delicious food options throughout the city. I'm always asking locals for restaurant recommendations in the city. I want to try as many new foods as possible during my time in the nation's capital.

Ben's Chili Bowl is a DC legend known for it's chili dogs, milkshakes and famous half smokes. A half smoke is a "local sausage delicacy" typically found in the mid-Atlantic region. Similar to a hot dog, but usually larger, spicier, and with more coarsely-ground meat, the sausage is often half-pork and half-beef, smoked, and served with a bevy of herbs, onion and chili sauce.

Founded in 1958, BCB is widely considered a national treasure by locals, almost as important as the monuments that line the National Mall. Over the years, it has been frequented by numerous celebrities, actors, athletes and politicians. BCB has the feel of a local diner when you first enter, but if you continue towards the back of the restaurant you'll see the numerous photos of the famous who've dined in the restaurant.

Ben's Chili Bowl's famous half smoke

The atmosphere is both hectic and laid back at the same time, and the best part is that BCB is open until 2 a.m. every weekday and 4 a.m. on the weekends. I was advised to make sure I ordered the half smoke. Let me tell you, it did not disappoint. I'm not the biggest chili dog fan, but Ben's Chili Bowl half smokes are delicious. If you're ever in DC, this is a can't miss restaurant.

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